brad hill
Instructor: Tagaturo Steve Klement
Training Start Date: March, 1996
Title: Masirib Guro
Mr. Hill started training in Inayan Eskrima in 1996 when a close friend introduced him to Tagaturo Steve Klement and the Inayan School of Eskrima.
Mr. Hill was one of the very first Students to walk into the newly founded Inayan School of Eskrima and was instrumental in the early existence of the ISE, demonstrating the Art with Tagaturo Klement and spreading the word of the FIlipino Martial Arts. His influence and leadership was vital in the upbringing of other Students that would eventually be the base, or first generation of Senior Students and Instructors at the ISE. The ISE’s success was a direct result of Mr. Hill’s dedication to the Art and the School.
After High School, Mr. Hill attended the University of Tennessee and in 2002 received a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Science.
Mr. Hill attained the esteemed rank of Inayan Guro (Teacher) on January 19th, 2006.
The Rank of Masirib Guro (Inayan Elder / Expert Teacher) was awarded to Mr. Hill on June 22nd, 2024 and is a direct reflection of his long standing and unwavering commitment to the Art of Inayan Eskrima and to the Inayan School of Eskrima.
Besides having taught regularly at the Inayan School of Eskrima, Mr. Hill has assisted in teaching various Martial Art seminars with Tagaturo Steve Klement both in the United States and Europe. In addition, he had participated in several seminars with the late Suro Mike Inay. Brad is also Certified to teach edged weapon defense (Reactive Knife Defense) and subject control (Pressure Sensitive Nerve Areas) to Civilians and Law Enforcement alike.
Currently Masirib Guro Hill continues to practice and teach at the Inayan School of Eskrima under the direction of Tagaturo Steve Klement.