william taylor
Instructor: Tagaturo Steve Klement
Training Start Date: October, 2001
Title: Lahong Guro
Mr. Taylor found Inayan Eskrima in 2001 when a close friend introduced him to Tagaturo Steve Klement and the Inayan School of Eskrima. Mr. Taylor attended his first Inayan Eskrima class on his 51st birthday and has been a leader in the ISE ever since.
After High School, Mr. Taylor attended the University of Tennessee and in 1973 graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate with a B.S. in Forestry and concentration in Wildlife Management. Entering the U.S. Army in March 1973, he served as a Field Artillery Officer, and then transferred to the Ordnance Corps in 1976. Mr. Taylor earned two graduate degrees, studied the Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do, and travelled extensively throughout the United States and Europe during his military career of 20 years. Mr. Taylor was discharged with the Rank of Lt. Colonel.
Upon leaving military service in 1993, Mr. Taylor moved the family to Tennessee, where he has been employed by a succession of contractors working for the U.S. Department of Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Mr. Taylor was one of the first members of the ISE’s full contact team, the Inayan Combatives Group. He has assisted Tagaturo Klement at various seminars and training events in Wisconsin, California, Pennsylvania as well as Tennessee. While Bill was a Senior Student, he regularly assisted Tagaturo Klement and the Guros with instructing class and has led the class in basic Inayan training during informal workouts and training events. Bill is also Certified to teach edged weapon defense (Reactive Knife Defense) and subject control (Pressure Sensitive Nerve Areas) to Civilians and Law Enforcement alike. Mr. Taylor is easily the most respected member of the Inayan School of Eskrima and we are fortunate to have his guidance in and out of class.
After serious study of the art for more than 15 years, Mr. Taylor was promoted to Inayan Guro (Teacher) on November 4th, 2016. The Rank of Lahong Guro(Inayan Senior / Seasoned Teacher)was awarded on December 19th, 2020.
Lahong Guro Taylor has retired from actively teaching but continues to advise and support the Students and Instructors at the Inayan School of Eskrima under the direction of Tagaturo Steve Klement.