jeffrey elliott
Instructor: Mangisursuro Mike Inay
Training Start Date: February, 1970
Title: Masirib Guro Adept / Senior Advisor
RIP 1946 - 2021
Jeff Elliott began his Martial training in the early 70’s with the Martial Art Rembukai Karate with legendary Karate Masters; Ralph Castelanos, Bob Cory and Terry Ellis. He later began his lessons in Cabales Escrima after several discussions and a demonstration by Suro Mike Inay and a very young Guro Remi Estrella.
In 1975 the Inayan System of Eskrima was born and Mr. Elliott played a large role in opening Suro Inay’s first public School; BASE (the Bay Area School of Eskrima) on El Camino Real in Sunnyvale, CA.
In 1978 the West Coast Eskrima Society (WES) formed in order to preserve and promote the Filipino Arts . The WES charter was signed by the following notable Eskrima masters along with Jeffery Elliott to form the Executive Council: Max Sarmiento, Leo Giron, Mike Inay, Jimmy Tacosa, Dentoy Revillar, Sam Tendencia, Narrie Babao, Dan Inosanto and Richard Bustillo. (G.M. Sarmiento was the original Chairman - Suro Inay was Vice Chaiman. Two years later Suro Inay was elected Chairman).
In 1979, Kadena de Mano Great Grandmaster Max Sarmiento proclaims the only Students to reach Instructor level in his system of KDM - they are: Mike Inay, Jeff Elliott, Frank Difanti and Jimmy Tacosa. Almost a year later, in 1979, Jeff Elliott became the first Instructor (Guro) Rank awarded by Suro Mike Inay in the Inayan System of Eskrima.
Going forward, Masirib Guro Elliott was fundamental in assisting Suro Mike Inay in solidifying the curriculum, graphics, guidelines, Code of Conduct and assisting in demos and the teaching of Students for Inayan Eskrima in the earliest days of the System.
Since 1976 Mr. Elliott studied boxing at Garden City boxing Club in San Jose, CA from boxing Coaches Gus Spencer, Eddy DeVaughn and Joe Amato. Masirib Elliott became a certified USA Boxing Coach and trained local amateur and professional boxers from 1985 until 2005.
In late 1982 Masirib Elliott introduced Steve Klement to Suro Inay. Mr. Klement started his Inayan Eskrima lessons in 1983 as a Student in Suro’s School and also received private lessons from Masirib Elliott. In 1994 Steve Klement became the first, 2nd Generation Guro promoted by Suro Mike Inay.
Greandmaster Inay passed away in 2000, Masirib Elliott served as both a respected voice and Senior Instructor in his role as a founding member of Inayan Systems International that formed in 2001 along with; Emanuel Hart, Steve Klement, Cory Hanosh and Jon Ward.
Inayan Systems International was formed to create a stable base of preservation for the ways of Inayan Eskrima in the wake of Suro’s passing. In 2006, after meeting it’s goals, the conclusion of Inayan Systems International arrived. Each member having developed a vision to promote the Art as they learned it in their own way.
Since 2006, Masirib Elliott lived among the Bagobo Tagabawa tribal community in the mountains of Mindanao at the base of Mt. Apo.
Since 2006, Masirib Guro Elliott has been an official and respected elder as well as top advisor to Tagaturo Klement and the Inayan School of Eskrima and continued to be until he passed.
Jeffrey N. Elliott passed away on July 22nd, 2021 after complications from a stroke. He was cared for in his time of need by his friends and “family", Ramil, Mayet (RIP) and Jazzie Ambe.